You must have heard the phrase "follow your passion" (passion follow karo) at least once in your life. But what exactly is passion, and where can we find it? (Milta kaha hai yeh) It's a good question to ask as a student in your last years of school or if you have just completed your schooling the question of 'what next?' must be daunting you and can be as irritating to you as it is to me. Not everyone is fortunate enough to know exactly why they are here in this world or what they are best at, what's their purpose of life. It's really hard to figure out initially. However, discovering your passion–or, as some call it, your 'Ikigai'–is possible. You don't need to read books to find your purpose in life. I'm also on a journey to find my purpose in life, and from the distance I have covered so far, I can confidently say that you couldn't find it in books. Happiness in life comes from pursuing a career that you feel passionate about, and that you enjoy. It's not going to be easy, Finding your passion won't be an instant process; it will take time. So let me share my perspective on how I am finding it. I In my short life, I've done a range of work and experienced many different things. I've done many things from working in a shoe shop to running a small shop selling colours of Holi and Rangoli during festivals. From podcasting to blogging, I've done so many things and continue to do so. I'm not suggesting that you do what I did. Instead, What I am saying is to "EXPLORE." Explore as much as you can, do as many things as you can, participate in as many activities as you can. Life is too short to live, so gather as much experience as you can, make beautiful memories, and enjoy life. The course of time will tell you the purpose of your life, your ikigai, your passion :))
this Article is originally written for school magazine and then I thought why not share it with you. Hope you like it. As we conclude, remember passion is a journey, not a destination. Let's explore together, sharing insights and experiences, tell me what's your passion in the comments. Thank you for joining this quest for purpose. Keep dreaming, keep exploring, and keep enjoying the journey. Thank you for reading :)
Inconsistent digital writer ✍️ Ex- podcaster | Law student ⚖️ | politics maniac | critique | write inconvenient things | bring passion for politics and a keen interest in all political matters whatsoever
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