The last piece of the year: my thoughts before living home
So finally counting days left to leave home has now came to an end. This is my last night here at home my next night will going to be in train living home to college for my next semester. Its 3a.m. 31st December and with this very few time left for me to spend here. Mommy as always get emotional and She shows it which is fine. I although feels anxiety rushing through my body whenever there is some change. I don't show it share it because I feel it just going to make the other person sad even more. And I also know ki sitting at home living in comfort of home with mommy will take me nowhere while wasting time after college, living lazily too doesn't going to takeme at very prestigious place but it will definitely take me 'somewhere' better than 'Nowhere' No? So yeah thinking just that I get ready take my step out of home out of comfort zone of home, away from mommy. Well I Don't know for what I'm making these small sacrifices I Don't even have clear goal with this law school, what do I exactly want from it from this degree but one thing I know for sure is that sooner or later I'll earn something, reach somewhere do something great. I felt hesitation writing the word "great" you know why ? Because as we grow we somehow learn to hesitate and scare of big plans, dreams, ideas and the most important we lost confidence in ourselves ki we can also do great because we become too much realist that we only see what normally can be done we scare to belive in odds but we all need to reinstate that bedhadakpan that courage to dream ki I'll do this or that one I'll grow with this Aditya signing off :)