From pages to perspective: Part II
So this is part II of the last post where I told the story about my reading, and as I said, this month, I will cover writing, I am here with it.
So this is part II of the last post where I told the story about my reading, and as I said, this month, I will cover writing, I am here with it.
So, as this month has come to an end, and as I promised to write at least one piece each month, here I am. Like always, I struggle with writing. Do not know what should I write about not because I have nothing to say or No thoughts to share, but because I am an inconsistent blogger as my LinkedIn says but definitely not an inconsistent writer, as I write daily without missing a day and also read every day, as a result I find hard to write on blogpost because whatever thoghts I have all flow out of my pen in journal. these two disciplines now have become an integral part of my life as I discussed about discipline in my last post too and I am very proud of this very good habits which I have cultivated over a long period of time. As I write this post, I am reflecting on how these two habits have helped me and why you too should consider it to inculcate and incorporating this in your life and how.
So now, even the first month of the year 2025 is about to come to an end in five days can't believe ki ek mahina ho b gaya. Time flies, and it flies too fast especially if you have a fixed daily schedule like classes in my case
So finally counting days left to leave home has now came to an end. This is my last night here at home my next night will going to be in train living home to college for my next semester. Its 3a.m. 31st December and with this very few time left for me to spend here. Mommy as always get emotional and She shows it which is fine. I although feels anxiety rushing through my body whenever there is some change. I don't show it share it because I feel it just going to make the other person sad even more. And I also know ki sitting at home living in comfort of home with mommy will take me nowhere while wasting time after college, living lazily too doesn't going to takeme at very prestigious place but it will definitely take me 'somewhere' better than 'Nowhere' No? So yeah thinking just that I get ready take my step out of home out of comfort zone of home, away from mommy. Well I Don't know for what I'm making these small sacrifices I Don't even have clear goal with this law school, what do I exactly want from it from this degree but one thing I know for sure is that sooner or later I'll earn something, reach somewhere do something great. I felt hesitation writing the word "great" you know why ? Because as we grow we somehow learn to hesitate and scare of big plans, dreams, ideas and the most important we lost confidence in ourselves ki we can also do great because we become too much realist that we only see what normally can be done we scare to belive in odds but we all need to reinstate that bedhadakpan that courage to dream ki I'll do this or that one I'll grow with this Aditya signing off :)
You must have heard the phrase "follow your passion" (passion follow karo) at least once in your life. But what exactly is passion, and where can we find it? (Milta kaha hai yeh) It's a good question to ask as a student in your last years of school or if you have just completed your schooling the question of 'what next?' must be daunting you and can be as irritating to you as it is to me. Not everyone is fortunate enough to know exactly why they are here in this world or what they are best at, what's their purpose of life. It's really hard to figure out initially. However, discovering your passion–or, as some call it, your 'Ikigai'–is possible. You don't need to read books to find your purpose in life. I'm also on a journey to find my purpose in life, and from the distance I have covered so far, I can confidently say that you couldn't find it in books. Happiness in life comes from pursuing a career that you feel passionate about, and that you enjoy. It's not going to be easy, Finding your passion won't be an instant process; it will take time. So let me share my perspective on how I am finding it. IIn my short life, I've done a range of work and experienced many different things. I've done many things from working in a shoe shop to running a small shop selling colours of Holi and Rangoli during festivals. From podcasting to blogging, I've done so many things and continue to do so. I'm not suggesting that you do what I did. Instead, What I am saying is to "EXPLORE." Explore as much as you can, do as many things as you can, participate in as many activities as you can. Life is too short to live, so gather as much experience as you can, make beautiful memories, and enjoy life. The course of time will tell you the purpose of your life, your ikigai, your passion :))
My heartly tribute to savitriaai for her exceptional contribution in Education. For me She is real Saraswati. Personally I do not believe in Saraswati made of clay, but in real person who had done very things for the education.
The name Hitler signifies more than a mere name; it encapsulates the terror, dictatorship, authoritarianism, and fascism associated with Hitler. His name has taken on a dark meaning that persists. It has not only taught but guided many individuals on the principles of ruling, a full recipe to rule without any problem and these teachings continue to fuel conflicts.
The article is not going to be so long, I'll keep it short to the point.
It's our 76th independence day and I wished you a very happy independence day to you 🎊 so this year I'm not gonna spoil your celebration by presenting some bitter facts but it doesn't mean we should forget it.
“ The progress of any country should not be measured by the growth of its GDP, Factories, infrastructure, the development of country must be measured by the freedom of speech, human rights, liberties, and the state of women and minorities in the society becuz. development =/= violation of human rights ”
If you are currently aware about Russia's Ukraine invade then you know about the thing that UN has not show serious action in support to Ukraine. Why the world's biggest peace keeping org is unable to maintain peace and why this silent will prove bad for the whole world. I always wanted to figure out this and this is a good time to know about it.
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Hey, do you also think that politics or news only brings negativity to you. Well maybe it brings but do you wants to know why political negativity is good, how politics also brings positivity into society then do listen out my new episode you'll find it.
Hey, everybody
Hey, everyone ☺️
शुरुआत से ही हमारी वर्तमान सरकार काफी constructive सोच लेकर चलती आ रही है चाहे फिर वो बड़ा स्टेच्यू हो या बड़ा स्टेडियम हो या नया संसद भवन या फिर सबसे जरूरी हमारे प्रधानमंत्री का नया आवास हो जो की करीबन 13.5 हजार करोड़ का है ।
Today we are celebrating teachers day on 5th September on the brth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli radhakrishnan but do you really know who whose struggle is behind the education of women. Let's find out
आज 15 अगस्त है यह सबको मालूम है और यह भी मालूम है की हमने कितनी कुर्बानीयो के बाद इस आजादी को हासिल किया था। मगर जैसी गलती हमने अंग्रेजो के समय की थी कुछ वैसी ही गलती हम फिर करने लग रहे है, और अपनी आजादी की कदर और उसकी सुरक्षा नही कर रहे है। फिर और कोई आएगा और डिवाइड एंड रूल का फॉर्मूला लगाएगा और हम पर राज करेगा। बस फर्क इतना होगा की पहले आदमी बाहर का था और अब हमारे ही देश का होगा।
कोरोना वायरस के बाद अभी अभी भारत मैं एक वायरस ने एंट्री ली है वैसे ये वायरस नही है ये एक स्पाइवेयर है जो भारत के 40 जर्नलिस्ट (पत्रकार), सुप्रीम कोर्ट के एक जज , कई सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता, और नेताओ, साइंटिस्ट, बिजनेसमैन, पर जासूसी की जा रही है। लगभग 300 से ज्यादा मोबाइल नंबरों को tap किया गया।